Saturday, July 5, 2008

Year 5 Speeches

Hi! It's Amy here and I've got to get ready for the speeches in term 3! So anyway on the last day of Term 2 Mrs McKenzie told Room 4 that our homework in the holidays was thinking of what we are going to write a speech about! Well like 2 minutes ago I went on my friend Fletcher's blog, and he needed help on what to do his speech on and I gave him a little tip, and while I was typing the tip I thought the tip actually helped me a little and now I know what I'm going to do my speech on! So after the speech I'll write all about it and then you can see how I did!!


Friday, July 4, 2008

New Friends!

As you know I'm in Room 4 and I've not only seen my old friends that were in Room 16 with me last year but I've made new friends. This was practically what happened! First day of year 5 really excited but nervous as well. I went in Room 4 saw all of my friends and I didn't really talk to anyone except for Morgan, Tarran and Fletcher.Then it was like the 7th week of Term 1 and that's when I started playing with Alysha, Alice and other people that I knew in Room 16 other then Fletcher, Morgan and Tarran. So it came to Term 2, I was happy to be back from the holidays. Once again I saw all my friends, I also moved desks so now I sit opposite Courtney and I made friends with her!Few weeks after it was week 4 and then that's when I played with Zoe and Lucy for the first time and I liked playing with them so slowly became friends! Few weeks after I started playing with some boys like Zane, Jack, Chris and others! That's when I kind of stopped playing with Morgan, Fletcher and Tarran and then I felt all oozy inside so one day I said to them can I play with you at lunch and they said sure! So far I'm friends with everyone in Room 4 and year 5 is awesome!!!!!